Category: 03. Lists
Definition Lists
The definition list in HTML defines a description list, it is represented as <dl> tag. It is used in conjunction with <dt> and <dd>. In HTML Description list or definition list displays its elements in definition form in the dictionary where if we define a description list it will give a description of each item…
Ordered Lists
An ordered list is used to display a collection of items that have a specific order or sequence. For instance, we can use an ordered list to show the steps of a recipe, the ranking of a leader board, or the chronological order of events as shown in the below figure − Ordered Lists in HTML To…
Unordered Lists
An unordered list is used to display a collection of related items that do not have a specific order or sequence. This type of list is used to for describing a particular service or product as it does not require any order to be followed. The below figure shows an ordered list of groceries − Unordered List…
In general, a list is a group or collection of items. These items can be both organized and unorganized depending on the requirement. They help in organizing, structuring and presenting information to make it more user-friendly, readable and accessible. Sample lists are shown below − Lists in HTML To display a list of information in HTML, we…