Category: React

  • React Error Boundaries

    In the past, if we get any JavaScript errors inside components, it corrupts the React?s internal state and put React in a broken state on next renders. There are no ways to handle these errors in React components, nor it provides any methods to recover from them. But, React 16 introduces a new concept to handle the…

  • React Portals

    The React 16.0 version introduced React portals in September 2017. A React portal provides a way to render an element outside of its component hierarchy, i.e., in a separate component. Before React 16.0 version, it is very tricky to render the child component outside of its parent component hierarchy. If we do this, it breaks the convention where…

  • React Redux Example

    In this section, we will learn how to implements Redux in React application. Here, we provide a simple example to connect Redux and React. Step-1 Create a new react project using create-react-app command. I choose the project name: “reactproject.” Now, install Redux and React-Redux. Step-2 Create Files and Folders In this step, we need to create folders and files for actions,…

  • React Redux

    Redux is an open-source JavaScript library used to manage application state. React uses Redux for building the user interface. It was first introduced by Dan Abramov and Andrew Clark in 2015. React Redux is the official React binding for Redux. It allows React components to read data from a Redux Store, and dispatch Actions to the Store to update data. Redux helps apps to…

  • React Flux Vs. MVC

    MVC MVC stands for Model View Controller. It is an architectural pattern used for developing the user interface. It divides the application into three different logical components: the Model, the View, and the Controller. It is first introduced in 1976 in the Smalltalk programming language. In MVC, each component is built to handle specific development…

  • React Flux Concept

    Flux is an application architecture that Facebook uses internally for building the client-side web application with React. It is not a library nor a framework. It is neither a library nor a framework. It is a kind of architecture that complements React as view and follows the concept of Unidirectional Data Flow model. It is…

  • React Hooks

    Hooks are the new feature introduced in the React 16.8 version. It allows you to use state and other React features without writing a class. Hooks are the functions which “hook into” React state and lifecycle features from function components. It does not work inside classes. Hooks are backward-compatible, which means it does not contain…

  • React Context

    Context allows passing data through the component tree without passing props down manually at every level. In React application, we passed data in a top-down approach via props. Sometimes it is inconvenient for certain types of props that are required by many components in the React application. Context provides a way to pass values between…

  • React Code Splitting

    The React app bundled their files using tools like Webpack or Browserfy. Bundling is a process which takes multiple files and merges them into a single file, which is called a bundle. The bundle is responsible for loading an entire app at once on the webpage. We can understand it from the below example. App.js math.js Bundle file as…

  • React Higher-Order Components

    It is also known as HOC. In React, HOC is an advanced technique for reusing component logic. It is a function that takes a component and returns a new component. According to the official website, it is not the feature(part) in React API, but a pattern that emerges from React compositional nature. They are similar…