Category: 2. Disadvantages

  • Conclusion

    Every programming language has its pros and cons, and so does JavaScript. You can always use the language to your benefit, but there will always be some shortcomings. It is better to understand the disadvantages of the language you use to avoid errors in your project. 

  • Rendering Problems

    The website’s entire JavaScript code can stop rendering due to a single error in the code. It appears to the user as though JavaScript is absent. The browsers, however, are very tolerant of these mistakes.

  • Sluggish Bitwise Function

    JavaScript operates on 32-bit bitwise operands and stores numbers as 64-bit floating-point numbers. JavaScript performs operations on the 32-bit signed integers before converting them back to 64-bit JavaScript numbers. The process of converting a number to an integer continuously requires more time. As a result, the script runs slower and requires more time to execute.

  • Browser Support

    JavaScript is interpreted differently by each browser. The code must therefore run across a variety of systems before being published. Since they do not support some new functions, we also need to look at the older browsers.

  • Insufficient Debugging Facilities

    While some HTML editors provide debugging, they are less efficient than C or C++ editors. Additionally, because the browser doesn’t provide any errors, the developer has trouble identifying the problem.

  • Client-side Security

    Since the user can see the JavaScript code, others could misuse it. These actions can involve using the source code anonymously. Additionally, it is relatively simple to insert code into the website that jeopardises the security of data transmitted through the website.