Category: 05. Electrode Structures and Configurations
Electrodes with Flow
Fluid flow is sometimes used with porous electrodes in order to bring reactants and products in and out of these high-surface-area electrodes. A number of different flow configurations are possible. Two basic categories are the flow-through and flow-by configurations (Figure 5.14). In the flow-through arrangement, the fluid flow is parallel to the current flow, and the fluid flow actually…
Three-Phase Electrodes
There are situations where a stable three-phase structure is required. For example, the cathode of a low-temperature fuel cell involves three phases (gas, liquid, solid) in intimate contact. Let’s examine the reduction of oxygen in acid: The protons are supplied from the electrolyte, electrons supplied from a solid phase, and oxygen is in the gas…
The Gas–Liquid Interface in Porous Electrodes
There are many instances when both gas and liquid fill the void volume of a porous electrode. Here, we introduce important concepts to describe these two fluids contained in the pores. A key aspect of porous media relevant for our studies is capillarity or capillary action. The capillarity can be understood from the ability of…
Current Distributions in Porous Electrodes
As noted in Chapter 4, a uniform current distribution is often desired. Generally, the calculation of the current distribution for porous electrodes is not amenable to analytical solutions. There are a few exceptions—most notably the one-dimensional treatment of a porous electrode in the absence of concentration gradients, which is described by the secondary current distribution. In…
Impact of Porous Electrode on Transport
Clearly, the porous structure has an effect on transport through the media. The way to treat this influence is to define effective transport properties that can be related to the bulk transport properties discussed in Chapter 4. The need for the effective transport properties can be seen with the cartoon illustrated in Figure 5.4. There are two…
Characterization of Porous Electrodes
An idealized porous electrode with straight cylindrical pores was considered above. Next our aim is to describe and characterize porous media in a way that is broadly applicable. The empty space of the electrode available to the electrolyte (or gas phase) is the void volume fraction or porosity, ε. This parameter is the most important feature…
Mathematical Description of Porous Electrodes
As we examine porous electrodes, we first consider a simple geometry consisting of straight cylindrical pores in an electrically conductive matrix as shown in Figure 5.1. The idea behind using a three-dimensional porous structure is to increase the amount of surface area in a given electrode volume. Let’s assume that we have an electrode that is…