Category: Industrial carbon management
CCUS projects network
The Commission supports the CCUS Project Network (2018-2023), which facilitates knowledge sharing among major industrial projects underway across Europe. The network is part of CCUS ZEN since October 2022.
CO2 transport infrastructure
CO2 transport infrastructure projects are within the scope of the Trans-European Networks for Energy. They can apply to become projects of common interest (PCIs) and subsequently apply for support under the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF). Every 2 years, the Commission adopts an EU list of PCIs and since 2023 also of projects of mutual interest (PMIs). In November 2021,…
State aid
The Commission also enables EU countries to support the carbon capture and storage and carbon capture and utilisation technology through state aid under certain conditions specified in its Guidelines on State aid for climate, environmental protection and energy 2022.
Horizon EU
The Commission also supports research, development and innovation for industrial carbon management technologies through Horizon Europe and stakeholder engagement, such as the Strategic Energy Technology Plan Working Group on CCUS and its associated European Technology and Innovation Platform ‘Zero Emissions Platform’. Under Horizon Europe Cluster 5 (Climate, Energy and Mobility), the Commission supports developing new and/or improving existing CO2…
Innovation fund
As of February 2024, the Innovation Fund supports 26 industrial carbon management projects that have successfully applied to one of the small or large-scale calls organised since 2020, totaling more than €3.3 billion. Selected applicants currently benefiting from Innovation Fund grants can be consulted on the Commission’s website.
Industrial carbon management strategy
The adoption of the European Green Deal, the European Climate Law and the subsequent proposals to increase energy and climate targets for 2030 have made carbon management technologies an important part of the EU decarbonisation effort. The Commission already provides a regulatory framework for the safe transport and storage of CO2 through Directive 2009/31/EC on the geological…