Category: Energy Saver
Low-power computing
Energy saving is a problem of growing importance due to the low-energy utilization and increasing environmental awareness. However, the challenge of energy optimization is to assure the accuracy of the energy forecast model [38]. According to the Global Standards Initiative on the IoT, a device labeled as IoT must meet seven criteria related to sensors: Internet connectivity, processors, energy efficiency, cost-effectiveness, quality,…
European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering
Energy saving has become an extremely important issue in the chemical process industries. Distillation columns, in particular, consume huge amounts of energy. One way of minimizing the energy consumption is improved control. To achieve this, efficient modelling and system identification techniques suited for industrial use and tailored for control design applications are needed. A dynamic simulator is a…
European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering
Energy savings in an electrical system can be achieved through the use of energy-efficient appliances to minimise electricity consumption. This work applies the Power Pinch Analysis (PoPA) to guide electricity load reduction at the demand side of a HPS. The reduction in electricity load as well as cost can be determined from the power rating and…
Utility balance and optimization
Energy savings in three former steps should be finally reflected in decreasing the energy input from outside the system. Outside supplied energy EP feeds into energy conversion link, so steam power system is the final agent of energy savings for total site energy optimization. There are new balances of energy streams in a total site when process improvements and…