Category: 01. Tutorials
hyphenate-character Property
CSS hyphenate-character property allows you to specify the character that should be used as the hyphenation point when text is hyphenated using the hyphens property. When text is hyphenated, the browser will insert a hyphen character at appropriate points within words to improve the visual appearance of justified text. The hyphenate-character property allows you to customize the character used for hyphenation.…
Height Property
The height property sets the height of an element’s content area. In case, the box-sizing is set to border-box, the property height sets the height of the border area. The value specified by the height property gets oevrriden by the values defined by min-height and max-height properties. Possible Values Negative values like height: -200px are not accepted. Applies to All the HTML elements except non-replaced inline elements, table…
translate Property
The translate property of CSS allows you to move an element along the X axis (horizontal), Y axis (vertical) and Z axiz (depth). The translate property is similar to the translate() function of transform property. The only difference between the two is that latter does not support the Z axis setting. Possible values 1. Single <length-percentage> value: 2. Two <length-percentage> values: 3. Three values: 4. none: No translation…
The zoom property of CSS is useful in controlling the magnification level of elements. zoom is a non-standard property of CSS and it is advisable to use the transform: scale() function for the same output. Possible Values Applies to All the HTML elements. DOM Syntax CSS zoom – normal Value Here is an example: CSS zoom – <percentage> Value Here…
CSS focus The :focus pseudo-class in CSS represents an element that has received focus. This class is generally triggered when a user clicks, taps on an element or selects an element using the tab key of keyboard. :focus pseudo-class is applied to the focussed element itself. In order to select an element that contains a focussed element, use :focus-within pseudo-class.…
display Property
The display property in CSS is used to specify how an element should be displayed on the webpage. It controls the layout and visibility of an element. The display property is useful in setting the inner and outer display types of an element. Possible Values The value passed to the display property is a keyword. These keyword values are categorised in…
The :hover pseudo-class in CSS is used to target an element when the user hovers over it with the mouse cursor. Its purpose is to apply styles or trigger specific behaviors to enhance the user experience or provide additional visual feedback. :hover is a tool to make interactive elements more dynamic and engaging without requiring any user input…
CSS hyphens property controls how words are broken into lines when text is too long to fit on a single line. This property can be used to improve the readability of text that wraps across multiple lines. The property only applies to block-level elements. Following are all possible values that can be used for property hypens: CSS…
Position Property
CSS property position helps manipulate position of an element in a web page. The properties top, bottom, right, and left are used to control its exact position on the page. They specify the offsets of an element from its edges Property position can be used to create floating elements, floating sidebar, and other interactive features. Possible Values Applies To All elements. Syntax CSS position…
What is an order? CSS order property is used to specify the order in which flex items appear within a flex container. The order of the flex items is determined by the values of their order property. The flex items with the lower order value will be displayed first. Here are some additional things to keep in…