Author: Awais Farooq
In Bootstrap what are the two ways you can display the code?
In bootstrap you can display code in two ways
What is the difference between Bootstrap and Foundation?
Bootstrap Foundation – Bootstrap offers unlimited number of UI elements – In Foundation UI element options are very limited in numbers – Bootstraps uses pixels – Foundation use REMs – Bootstrap encourages to design for both desktop and mobile. – Foundation encourages to design mobile first – Bootstrap support LESS as its preprocessor – Foundation…
What is the use of Jumbotron in Bootstrap?
In bootstrap, Jumbotron is generally used for content that you want to highlight like some slogan or marketing headline etc. in other words it is used to enlarge the size of the headings and to add a margin for landing page content To use the Jumbotron in Bootstrap
Explain what pagination in bootstrap is and how they are classified?
Pagination is the handling of an unordered list by bootstrap. To handle pagination bootstrap provides following classes
What function you can use to wrap a page content?
To wrap a page content you can use .container and using that you can also center the content.
What is column ordering in Bootstrap?
Column ordering is one of the feature available in bootstrap and you can easily write columns in an order and show them in another one. With .col-md-push-* and .col-md-pull-* the order of the column can be easily changed.
What are offset columns in Bootstrap?
For more specialized layouts offsets are a useful feature. For more spacing they can be used by pushing column over. For example, .col-xs=* classes do not support offset but they are easily replicated using an empty cell
Explain what is Bootstrap Grid System?
For creating page layout through a series of rows and columns that house your content Bootstrap Grid Sytem is used.
What are the types of layout available in Bootstrap?
In Bootstrap there are two types of Layout available
Explain what are class loaders in Bootstrap?
Class loader is a part of JRE (Java Runtime Environment) which loads Java classes into Java virtual environment. Class loaders also does the process of converting a named class into its equivalent binary form.