Author: admin

  • Policies and Procedures

    Macquarie University policies and procedures are accessible from Policy Central. Students should be aware of the following policies in particular with regard to Learning and Teaching: Academic Honesty Policy Assessment Policy Grading Policy Grade Appeal Policy Grievance Management Policy Disruption to Studies Policy The Disruption to Studies Policy is effective from March 3 2014 and replaces the…

  • Learning and Teaching Activities

    Lectures (2 hours per week) Lectures are intended to provide an overview of the key concepts explored in the unit. Tutorials (I hour per week) Tutorials constitute a critical learning experience in this unit. Students must prepare for them, attend them and actively participate in them. Independent learning Econ244 relies heavily on independent learning where…

  • Unit Schedule

    Weeks Lecture Topics & Key Dates 1 LECTURE 1:INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY OF LABOUR MARKETSTopics covered include; what is modern labour economics, schools of thought in labour economics, is labour fundamentally different from other commodities, labour market processes and labour market outcomes.Readings:Kaufman & Hotchkiss (hereafter K & H) Ch.1Garvey, G. T. (1994) “Why labour is…

  • Delivery and Resources

    Classes There will be one two-hour lecture each week, beginning in week one. There will be a one-hour tutorial each week, beginning in week two. The timetable for classes can be found on the university web site at: Required and Recommended Texts and/or Materials Recommended Text The unit is based on the following textbook: Kaufman, Bruce…

  • Learning Outcomes

    On successful completion of this unit, you will be able to: Assessment Tasks Name Weighting Due Tutorial Participation 15% Ongoing Within Session Class Test 5% Week 5 Essay 20% Week 10 Final Examination 60% University Examination Period Tutorial Participation Due: OngoingWeighting: 15% Students are expected to actively participate in tutorial discussion. To facilitate this all students are…

  • General Information

    Unit convenor and teaching staff Unit ConvenorMichael [email protected] via [email protected] 416Available on iLearn Credit points 3 Prerequisites 15cp including (ECON110 or ECON111) Corequisites Co-badged status Unit description This is a unit in the economics of the labour market. It deals with some of the most fascinating and practical questions in economics, questions such as the…

  • Balance of Payments

    A balance of payment (BoP) is a summary statement that lists all of the transactions that took place within a specific period between the resident and the outside world. The Balance of Payment indicates the extent to which a country saves enough money to cover its imports. It also reveals whether the country produces adequate economic output to…

  • Difference between Balance of Payment and Balance of Trade

    Balance of Payment and Balance of Trade are two important terms that are sometimes confused as the same. The former is a statement of all transactions between entities in one country and the outside world over a specified time period; however, the latter is the difference between the Export and Import of Goods. Table of…

  • Difference between Current Account and Capital Account of BoP

    Balance of Payment is a statement of all transactions between entities in one country and the outside world over a specified time period, such as a quarter or a year. It lists all interactions between residents of one country and residents of other countries that involve businesses, organizations, or governments. Balance of Payments includes all…

  • Balance of Payment and its Components

    Usually, government records all the transactions that arise between a country and the outside world. This record is titled Balance of Payments. Balance of Payments can also be known as the Balance of International Payments. It is a statement of all transactions between entities in one country and the outside world over a specified time period, such…