Author: admin
JavaScript is an “interpreted” language, so it cuts down on the time needed for compilation in other languages like Java. Additionally, it is a client-side script that shortens the time required to establish a server connection, which speeds up program execution.
Absolute vs. Comparative advantage
In international trade, many students ask me about why bigger countries often appear desperate to trade with poor, smaller states. Well, in order to improve the standards of living for local people, prices must be as low as possible for the best quality; that is why we do not care much about ‘Absolute advantage’ (the…
Economic benefit
The total welfare to the overall economy can be measured by summing up the benefits to both consumers and suppliers in the above model. Consumer surplus (CS) – represented by Triangle ‘bEp’; it denotes the amount that consumers were willing to pay but end up ‘saving’ after paying a lower price. The demand curve shows that…
Economic equilibrium
Many questions in Economics are about conditions that occur at/around ‘equilibrium’, and most of the students I encounter, although they can draw the graph/s, later fail to interpret/analyse them correctly in order to earn full marks. The following illustrations will help you grasp the overall concept behind economic graphs and how we can use them…
If a student is weak in Economics, how and how often can she approach a professorto work on it?
The Economics faculty is highly dedicated towards students and is easily approachablein college hours for all kinds of extra help and support, not only in Economics discipline, butalso for any other problems that student faces.
Does a student need to put in too much effort to successfully complete the Economicscourse?
Our students have smoothly obtained their degrees in this course and reported to havecherished studying Economics; however, it does require sincerity and regularity in studies
After opting for Economics course, is the student able to pursue extra-curricularinterests?
Economics only demands sincerity and consistency in studies and in no way constrainsthe student to pursue her extra-curricular interests. Our students not only participate, but excel insports, music, dance, dramatics etc.
Does student have to declare their subject choice in BA program at the time ofadmission?
Yes, the student needs to choose her main subjects in BA program right at the time ofadmission.
Where are Economics students placed?
Our students are placed across the country holding respectable posts at high levels ingovernment departments and ministries, multinational companies, academic institutions etc.
Is Economics course beneficial for student if she wishes to pursue some other course asmain subject?
Knowledge of Economics beautifully complements many other subject areas, rangingfrom sociology, psychology, political science, geography, history, law, mathematics, statistics,finance, business and management.