The most popular method to convert addresses into coordinates is by using Google Maps API.
Although Google Maps provides paid services, it gives you $200 in free credits the first time you create the account.
To get access to the service, you need to create a new account on the Google Maps Platform. There is a great tutorial that helps you generate the API key.
GM_API_KEY = 'your_api_key' from geopy.geocoders import GoogleV3 geolocator = GoogleV3(api_key=GM_API_KEY)
is the class implemented to use Google Maps v3 API. First, we can try to extract the location from a single address:
location = geolocator.geocode(address1) print('Latitude: '+str(location.latitude)+', Longitude: '+str(location.longitude))
After we can try to extend this operation to then field unique_address that we have created previously.
def service_geocode(g_locator, address): location = g_locator.geocode(address) if location!=None: return (location.latitude, location.longitude) else: return np.NaN
We can use apply()
to apply the function over all the rows of unique_address:
df['LAT_LON'] = df['unique_address'].apply(lambda x:service_geocode(geolocator,x)) df[['unique_address','LAT_LON']].head()
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