Living systems constantly metabolize food. In a sophisticated system such as a human, the digestive system breaks down the carbohydrates (sugars and starches), protein (complex amino acids), and fats (glycerol esters of fatty acids) into the building block molecules. There are exothermic reactions as the chemical structure of the food is modified by breaking bonds. The small molecules that result can be transported through the body as sugars, amino acids, and fatty acids. The body transforms these basic molecules to create energy to constantly replace cells and also to provide the energy needed for physical activity. The process more closely resembles fuel cell operation than a Carnot cycle, but the concepts of the energy balance still apply.
A major reaction providing energy in the human body is the oxidation of sugars and starches. These compounds are known to provide “quick energy” because they are easily burned. As an example, consider the oxidation of glucose to CO2 and H2O. Oxygen taken in through the lungs is carried to the cells where the reaction takes place. CO2 produced by the reaction is transported back to the lungs where it can be expelled. Water produced by the reaction largely is left as liquid, though respiration results in some transport. Although the actual process involves several intermediate steps, we know by Hess’s law that the overall energy and enthalpy change depends on only the initial and final structures, not the intermediate paths. The process for oxidation of glucose is

Like other combustion reactions, this reaction is exothermic. When intense physical activity occurs, the body is not able to use oxidation quickly enough to produce energy. In this case the body can convert glucose (or other sugars and starches) anaerobically to lactic acid as follows:

This is also an exothermic reaction, and there is no gas produced. This mechanism is used by muscles to provide energy and a build-up of lactic acid causes the muscular aching during and after vigorous exercise. Fats have higher energy content per mass and may be oxidized in a reaction analogous to Eqn. 3.56. Fat is used by the body to store energy. To burn fat, the body usually needs to be starved of the more easily metabolized starches and sugars.
The nervous system regulates body temperature so that when energy is burned, there is little change in body temperature. Some energy is transported out via respiration, some through evaporation of moisture through the skin, and some by heat transfer at the skin surface. Blood vessels in extremities are flexible and change size to regulate the blood flow, which is used to modify the flow rates. On a cold winter day, when our hands start to feel cold, our body is sensing a need to preserve body heat, so the vessels contract to decrease blood flow, making our hands feel even colder! During exercise, the vessels expand to increase cooling, and perspiration starts to provide evaporative cooling. In any event, our core temperature is maintained at 37°C as much as possible. When the body temperature drops the condition is called hypothermia. When the body is unable to eliminate heat, the condition is called hyperthermia and results in heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Usually, the body is able to regulate temperature, and the temperature is stable, so the body does not hold or loose energy by temperature changes. In an adult, the mass is also constant except for the daily cycles of eating and excretion that are very small perturbations of the total body mass.
The body adjusts the metabolic rate as the level of physical activity changes. Data collected by performing energy balances on humans after 12 hours of fasting eliminate the heat effects due to digestion (about 30% higher) and provide an accurate measure of the metabolic rates. Examples of energy consumption are tabulated in Table 3.1.
Table 3.1. Summary of Energy Expenditure by Various Physical Activities for a 70 kg Persona

a. Vander, A.J., Serman, J.J., Luciano, D.S., 1985. Human Physiology: The Mechanisms of Body Function, 4th ed., ch. 15, New York: McGraw-Hill.
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