Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this unit, you will be able to:

  • Demonstrate a solid understanding of labour market theory.
  • Recognize how labour market theory aids decision-making by individuals, business and government.
  • Undertake any future studies in economics, and in labour economics in particular, with increased confidence.
  • Communicate effectively on labour market issues.
  • Apply labour market theory to solve problems.
  • Recognise how economic theory can explain observed human behaviour.

Assessment Tasks

Tutorial Participation15%Ongoing
Within Session Class Test5%Week 5
Essay20%Week 10
Final Examination60%University Examination Period

Tutorial Participation

Due: Ongoing
Weighting: 15%

Students are expected to actively participate in tutorial discussion. To facilitate this all students are given 15 marks at the outset of the session. To keep these 15 marks you must do the following things. Firstly, attend all tutorials. Starting with tutorial one, each tutorial missed will result in the loss of one and a half marks.  Secondly, in addition to attendance at tutorials students will be rewarded for active participation. Each week students will be randomly selected to help answer preset tutorial questions. Over the course of the tutorial program each student will be asked to help answer a question on three occasions. Each time a student fails to provide a satisfactory answer five marks will be deducted from the 15. If you are called upon to answer a question and are not present, you will lose 5 marks. In sum if you attend all tutorials and provide three satisfactory answers you keep all 15 marks. The tutorial questions will be made available on iLearn the week before they are to be discussed in the tutorial. If documented illness or unavoidable disruption results in missed tutorials students may make an application under the Disruption to Studies policy. If that application is successful you will not suffer a penalty for the missed tutorial.   
On successful completion you will be able to:

  • Demonstrate a solid understanding of labour market theory.
  • Undertake any future studies in economics, and in labour economics in particular, with increased confidence.
  • Communicate effectively on labour market issues.
  • Apply labour market theory to solve problems.

Within Session Class Test

Due: Week 5
Weighting: 5%

This multiple choice class test will be held in week 5, on Tuesday August 25, during your normal tutorial time and at your normal tutorial location. The test involves 10 multiple choice questions that are drawn from all material covered in the unit up to and including week 4. Students are awarded one mark for each correct answer and zero for each incorrect answer. If you miss this class test due to documented illness or unavoidable disruption you may make an application under the university Disruption to Studies policy. If you find yourself in this position contact Michael Dobbie immediately. If the application under Disruption to Studies is successful you will be required to sit a supplementary class test. This supplementary class test will be held on Tuesday September 8.     
On successful completion you will be able to:

  • Demonstrate a solid understanding of labour market theory.
  • Recognize how labour market theory aids decision-making by individuals, business and government.
  • Recognise how economic theory can explain observed human behaviour.


Due: Week 10
Weighting: 20%

Each student is required to submit a 1500 word essay on Tuesday October  13  2015 by 2pm. The essay is submitted via BESS. A seperate document with the essay question and instructions will be available on iLearn by week 5. No extensions will be granted. Late essays will be accepted up to 72 hours after the submission deadline. There will be a deduction of 20% of the total available marks made from the total awarded for each 24 hour period or part thereof that the submission is late (for example 25 hours late will involve a 40% penalty). This penalty does not apply for cases in which an application is made under the university Disruption to Studies policy, and where that application results in a formal extension of the deadline. If you submit your essay late, with or without special consideration approval, you must submit it to the staff, over the counter, at BESS. The BESS staff will date stamp your essay and ensure it is passed onto the unit coordinator.
On successful completion you will be able to:

  • Demonstrate a solid understanding of labour market theory.
  • Recognize how labour market theory aids decision-making by individuals, business and government.
  • Undertake any future studies in economics, and in labour economics in particular, with increased confidence.
  • Communicate effectively on labour market issues.
  • Apply labour market theory to solve problems.
  • Recognise how economic theory can explain observed human behaviour.

Final Examination

Due: University Examination Period
Weighting: 60%

An end of unit two hour examination held during the end of year examination period. The exam will cover all aspects of the unit material. It will involve answering three essay type questions that will give you the chance to demonstrate your knowledge of the economic concepts and labour market applications covered during the session. If you cannot make the final exam due to documented illness or unavoidable disruption you may make an application under the university Disruption to Studies policy. If this application succeeds you may be granted a Supplementary Exam that will be held in late December.    
On successful completion you will be able to:

  • Demonstrate a solid understanding of labour market theory.
  • Recognize how labour market theory aids decision-making by individuals, business and government.
  • Communicate effectively on labour market issues.
  • Apply labour market theory to solve problems.
  • Recognise how economic theory can explain observed human behaviour.


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