3D Transforms

CSS provides a set of properties that allow you to transform and adjust the elements in the three-dimensional space. The properties that let you transform the elements include 3D translations, rotations, scaling, perspective adjustments, etc.

The following table lists all the various properties that are used to transform the elements in the three-dimensional space:

backface-visibilitySets the visibility of back face of an element to the user.
perspectiveDetermines the distance between the z=0 plane and the user.
perspective-originDetermines the position at which the user is looking at the 3D-positioned element.
rotateRotates an element in the three-dimensional space.
scaleScales an element in the three-dimensional space.
transformTransforms an element in the three-dimensional space.
transform-styleSets the position of the children of an element in three-dimensional space or keeps it flattened in the plane.
translateTranslates an element in three-dimensional space.
matrix3d()Function that defines a three-dimensional transformation as a 4×4 homogeneous matrix.
perspective()Function that determines the distance between the z=0 plane and the user.
rotate3d()Rotates an element around a fixed axis in three-dimensional space.
rotateZ()Rotates an element around the z-axis.
scale3d()Scales an element up or down in three-dimensional space.
scaleZ()Scales an element up or down along the z-axis.
translate3d()Translates an element in three-dimensional space.
translateZ()Translates an element up or down along the z-axis.


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