We have avoided discussing rate effects until now with the rationale that most coverage for reaction kinetics will occur in a course focused on reactor design. Nevertheless, there is overlap between the topics of reaction equilibria and reaction rates that can serve as a bridge between the two subjects. In all equilibrium phenomena, it is important to recognize that the balance achieved is dynamic, not static. For example, the molecules at the interface between a vapor and liquid are not stationary; they are perpetually exchanging between the vapor and liquid. Application of thermodynamics helps us understand the conditions where the balance occurs. Similarly, under conditions of chemical reaction equilibrium, the species are continuously interconverting with equal rates for the forward and reverse reactions.
From a thermodynamic perspective, the true driving force for chemical reaction is the activity. When the activities are balanced as given by Eqn. 17.15 the reaction reaches equilibrium and the forward are reverse rates are equal. The activities are directly proportional to the concentrations for liquids and vapors. Thus, it is common to use concentrations instead of activities for simple kinetic models. Consider the vapor-phase reaction,

For example, if two components, A and B, react to form C and D, then the rate of accomplishing the reaction must depend on the probability of the two components colliding with each other. This probability decreases as the concentration of one of the components diminishes. By convention the rates are typically written for the stoichiometrically limiting component. Also, they are typically written for the rate of formation per volume of reacting mixture.4 If A is the limiting reactant, the rate of the formation of A due to reaction of A with B would then be,

where the minus sign acknowledges that A is disappearing rather than forming, and the subscript f indicates reaction in the forward direction and kf is known as the forward rate constant. When the exponents on the rate equation match the stoichiometric coefficients, the reaction is called an elementary reaction. When a reaction is equilibrium-limited, it is considered kinetically reversible. Recognizing that A is formed by reaction of C and D, the reverse reaction rate for formation of A is

The net rate of formation of A must be zero at reaction equilibrium,

Recognizing that concentration of a gas phase component is related to partial pressure, [A] = yAP/RT, and similarly for other components. Rearranging Eqn. 17.63 and inserting the partial pressure results in

where in this case, Σvi = –1, but the general expression is written to help readers remember the general relation for gas phase reactions. Note the manner in which the forward and reverse reaction rate constants are related to the equilibrium constant. This means that if the forward rate constant is measured in an experiment when the product concentrations are low, then the reverse rate constant can be determined from the equilibrium constant. Note that similar relations can be written for liquid-phase elementary reactions.
Certainly many reactions have rate expression more complicated than the elementary reactions discussed here. For example, enzyme catalyzed reactions often involve a binding step that is not represented by the simple statistical concept of the elementary reaction. Many reactions involve intermediate species that must be included in the mechanism and kinetic rate law. Understanding more complex rate laws is an important skill covered in reaction engineering courses. Our intention here was to show the relation for elementary reactions and to communicate the concept of forward and reverse rates approaching each other at reaction equilibrium. Note that this means that if the reaction approaches equilibrium in the forward direction, the overall rate of disappearance of A will slow and become zero. At slow rates, the reactor volume must be large to achieve meaningful change in reaction coordinate, so it is rarely economical to run commercial reactors all the way to equilibrium. However, the calculation of the equilibrium condition is important for any reactor design in order to know the limiting conversion, and usually avoid the conditions! Often, the equilibrium constant is used to calculate the reverse rate constant from the forward rate constant as discussed above.
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