In our preliminary examples, we have assumed rather idealized cases where none of the products are present in the inlet. However, in some cases, products may be present and then the reaction direction may not be as we anticipate. We can look at the reaction thermodynamics in a slightly different way to determine the direction of the reaction under given compositions, T and P. Starting from Eqn. 17.10, we may add by weighting with the stoichiometric numbers, resulting in

The term on the left side is called the Gibbs energy of reaction and is given the symbol ΔGT. Note that this is a different term than the standard state Gibbs energy of reaction (the second term) that uses the superscript °. Thus, we can write,

A reaction with is called exergonic and results in Ka > 1, and a reaction with
is called endergonic, resulting in Ka < 1. This provides an indication of whether the equilibrium favors products or reactants, but does not mean that reactions with small values of Ka cannot be conducted industrially. For example, Example 17.1 involved a small Ka (thus endergonic with
), yet the conversion of H2 was 42%. The propensity for the reaction to go forward or backward depends instead on the Gibbs energy of reaction ΔGT at the concentrations represented by the fugacity ratios. If the conditions provide ΔGT < 0, then the Gibbs energy is lowered when the reaction proceeds in the forward direction. If we evaluate conditions and ΔGT > 0, then the reaction goes in the reverse direction than what we have written. In either case, the concentrations adjust until the system reaches the equilibrium condition, ΔGT = 0, and then Eqn. 17.12 applies. In summary, the direction a reaction proceeds is determined by ΔGT, not by
. Note when evaluating the fugacity term for determining spontaneity that the actual conditions are used, not the equilibrium conditions. At the feed conditions of Example 17.1, yCH3OH = 0, which ensures ΔGT < 0 at the feed conditions even though
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