The discussion in Sections 10.8–10.11 sets the stage for the next few chapters. The principles discussed here form the basis for these chapters and a thorough understanding facilitates rapid understanding of the extensions. There are two main approaches to modeling nonideal fluids. They differ in the way that they treat the fugacities in the vapor and liquid phases. The first approach is to model deviations from ideal solution behavior in the liquid phase, using activity coefficients, which is covered in Chapters 11 through 14. When the vapors are nonideal, the vapor phase fugacities are modeled with an equation of state, an approach that usually requires a computer. As discussed for pure fluids, liquid phases may also be modeled with an equation of state by simply selecting the liquid root. The EOS approach is discussed in Chapter 15.
The presentation has been organized according to a hierarchical approach. First and foremost, it is necessary to recognize that deviations from Raoult’s law can significantly alter the outlook on chemical processing. We introduce the activity approach for handling nonideal solutions in Chapter 11, and then extend to more complex models in Chapters 12 and 13. If you prefer a “one-size-fits-all” approach that can be applied to extremes of temperature, pressure, and component differences (e.g., CH4 + eicosane at oil reservoir conditions) then you may want to study Chapter 15 sooner. The EOS approach must be handled carefully for hydrogen bonding components, however, as discussed in Chapter 19. We provide more coverage than can typically be incorporated into a single undergraduate course, so instructors need to be selective about which models to cover. Nevertheless, the principles from one approach typically extend to other approaches and by focusing on a solid understanding of the principles for the sections studied, the reader should be able to extend them when the need arises.
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