A fascinating feature of living systems is that they organize small molecules into large structures. Towering pines grow with energy from the sun, CO2, water, and minerals extracted from the ground. Mammals grow into sophisticated thinking creatures by consuming small bits of food, consuming water, and breathing air. Small mindless flagella are known to swim “up” a concentration gradient toward a food source in a process known as chemotaxis. All of biological life builds molecules that are chiral rather than racemic. Don’t these processes violate the principles developed thus far in this chapter where we indicated the tendency of a system to move toward randomness? A careful analysis shows that the answer is no.
The key is that the feasibility of a process is determined by the entropy change of the universe, not the system itself. If organisms build molecules with lower entropy than the reactants, then the surroundings must increase in entropy by a larger amount. These changes can occur by control of the flux of molecules in/out of the system or by heat transfer. Mammals in particular are warmblooded, and are virtually isothermal. The body temperature of a healthy human being is universally 37°C (310 K). Rearrangement of the entropy balance for a human provides

Technically, if we assume T = 310K, we also should recognize that entropy is generated at the boundary between the human and the surroundings (at a lower temperature) and this is not included.
Every biochemical reaction in the body continuously generates entropy. If the organism is fully grown, we can approximate an adult as a steady-state process, so the first term on the left is nearly zero. The second term on the left contributes a negative value because entropy is generated constantly by the biochemical reactions. Ignoring transport terms initially, we can see that the heat transfer is expected to be negative. The magnitude depends on the entropy flows entering and leaving the system. Considering the other limiting possibility of negligible heat transfer, the entropy flow “in” must be less than the entropy flow “out.” In practice, these fluxes are not sufficient to sustain life. For humans, we know that our bodies reject heat at a rate of about 100 J/s. Thus, in addition to changing the entropy of our food to waste products, our existence depends on the ability to reject heat to the surroundings and thus contribute to increase the entropy of the surroundings via heat transfer. In the event that the surrounding temperature rises, humans experience heat stroke because the biological processes stop working when the heat transfer is not possible.
Trees and plants use photosynthesis to convert light energy (photons), to run the reaction

We have not explicitly included photons in our energy balance thus far, but it is a form of radiation similar to heat. A key point is that this reaction is not spontaneous as written. We discuss the driving forces for chemical reactions towards the end of the text, but a superficial discussion is relevant here. This reaction is an oversimplification of the actual process. In fact, more than 100 steps are needed for photosynthetic construction of glucose,19 but these steps drive the overall reaction above. To create a forward reaction, biological systems have developed a complex series of steps, each spontaneous and coupled such that carbohydrate production is possible. Plants are able to maintain this reaction by increasing the entropy of the surroundings to a greater extent than this reaction decreases the entropy when turning small molecules into carbohydrates.
Energy usage is inherently less efficient as we move up the food chain. When a herbivore or omnivore eats plant material, the stomach and intestinal enzymes break down the carbohydrates to simple sugars in catabolic reactions (a step that increases entropy). These sugars are then “burned” to produce CO2 (increasing entropy) as we showed in the previous chapter and the energy is used to maintain the life cycle and continuously produce new cells (anabolic reactions, decreasing entropy20) to replace dying cells and maintain tissue. Also, ingested proteins are broken into amino acids (increasing entropy) and then reassembled into new proteins (decreasing entropy2). As discussed above, only a portion of the energy provided by glucose can be utilized for biological maintenance; some must be rejected as heat. Each creature in the food chain repeats this “loss” of energy as heat is rejected. As engineers grapple with the challenge to use energy efficiently, it is helpful to keep in perspective that despite the complexity of living entities, the fundamentals of life are governed by the same principles as those developed in this chapter. Furthermore, life is made possible in humans by rejecting heat to the surroundings to drive the biological machinery. Despite their complexity, humans are not able to use all the energy generated by burning sugars.
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