Similar to energy balances in Chapter 3, entropy balances can be applied to composite systems. What is new in this chapter is the level of detail and the combination of the energy balance with the entropy balance. Instead of abstract processes like the Carnot cycle, the entropy balance enables us to compute the impacts of each individual step, whether isothermal, irreversible, or otherwise. This leads to composite processes with innumerable combinations of heat exchangers, multiple stages, and mixers, all striving to achieve the efficiency of the Carnot or Stirling cycles. For processes on the scale of commercial production, an efficiency improvement of 0.1% can mean millions of dollars, amply justifying an investment in clever engineering.
Important Equations
Once again the energy and entropy balances are the most important equations. We have incorporated most of the previous chapters, using state properties, interpolations, efficiency calculations, throttling, and so on. Carnot thermal efficiency and COP provide upper bounds on what can be achieved with any process and these are important.
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