A very simple experiment shows us that heat transport is also related to energy. If two steel blocks of different temperature are placed in contact with one another, but otherwise are insulated from their surroundings, they will come to equilibrium at a common intermediate temperature. The warmer block will be cooled, and the colder block will be warmed.
Qblock 1 = –Qblock 2
Heat is transferred at a boundary between the blocks. Therefore, heat is not a property of the system. It is a form of interaction at the boundary which transfers internal energy. If heat is added to a system for a finite period of time, then the energy of the system increases because the kinetic energy of the molecules is increased. When an object feels hot to our touch, it is because the kinetic energy of molecules is readily transferred to our hand.
Since the rate of heating may vary with time, we must recognize that the total heat flows must be summed (or integrated) over time. In general, we can represent a differential contribution by

We can also relate the internal energy change and heat transfer for either block in a differential form:

An idealized system boundary that has no resistance to heat transfer but is impervious to mass is called a diathermal wall.
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