The preferred method of obtaining P–V–T properties is from experimental measurements of the desired fluid or fluid mixture. We spend most of the text discussing theories, but you should never forget the precious value of experimental data. Experimental measurements beat theories every time. The problem with experimental measurements is that they are expensive, especially relative to pushing a few buttons on a computer.
To illustrate the difficulty of measuring all properties experimentally, consider the following case. One method to determine the P–V–T properties is to control the temperature of a container of fluid, change the volume of the container in carefully controlled increments, and carefully measure the pressure. The required derivatives are then calculated by numerical differentiation of the data obtained in this manner. It is also possible to make separate measurements of the heat capacity by carefully adding measured quantities of heat and determining changes in P, V, and T. These measurements can be cross-referenced for consistency with the estimated changes as determined by applying Maxwell’s relations to the P-V-T measurements. Imagine what a daunting task this approach would represent when considering all fluids and mixtures of interest. It should be understandable that detailed measurements of this type have been made for relatively few compounds. Water is the most completely studied fluid, and the steam tables are a result of this study. Ammonia, carbon dioxide, refrigerants, and light hydrocarbons have also been quite thoroughly studied. The charts which have been used in earlier chapters are results of these careful measurements. Equations of state permit correlation and extrapolation of experimental data that can be much more convenient and more broadly applicable than the available charts.
The basic procedure for calculating properties involves using derivatives of P-V-T data.
An experimental approach is naturally impractical for all substances due to the large number of fluids needing to be characterized. The development of equations of state is the engineering approach to describing fluid behavior for prediction, interpolation, and extrapolation of data using the fewest number of adjustable parameters possible for the desired accuracy. Typically, when data are analyzed today, they are fitted with elaborate equations (embellishments of the equations of state discussed in this chapter) before determination of interpolated values or derivatives. The charts are generated from the fitted results of the equation of state.
As a summary of the experimental approach to equations of state, a brief review of the historical development of P-V-T measurements may be beneficial. First, it should be recalled that early measurements of P-V-T relations laid the foundation for modern physical chemistry. Knowing the densities of gases in bell jars led to the early characterizations of molecular weights, molecular formulas, and even the primary evidence for the existence of molecules themselves. At first, it seemed that gases like nitrogen, hydrogen, and oxygen were non-condensable and something quite different from liquids like water or wood alcohol (methanol). As technology advanced, however, experiments were performed at higher temperatures and pressures. Carbon dioxide was a very common compound in the early days (known as “carbonic acid” to van der Waals), and it soon became apparent that it showed a high degree of compressibility. Experimental data were carefully measured in 1871 for carbon dioxide ranging to 110 bars, and these data were referenced extensively by van der Waals. Carbon dioxide is especially interesting because it has some very “peculiar” properties that are exhibited near room temperature and at high pressure. At 31°C and about 70 bars, a very small change in pressure can convert the fluid from a gas-like density to a liquid density. Van der Waals showed that the cause of this behavior is the balance between the attractive forces from the intermolecular potential being accentuated at this density range and the repulsive forces being accentuated by the high-velocity collisions at this temperature. This “peculiar” range of conditions is known as the critical region. The precise temperature, pressure, and density where the vapor and the liquid become indistinguishable is called the critical point. Above the critical point, there is no longer an abrupt change in the density with respect to pressure while holding temperature constant. Instead, the balance between forces leads to a single-phase region spanning vapor-like densities and liquid-like densities. With the work of van der Waals, researchers began to recognize that the behavior was not “peculiar,” and that all substances have critical points.1
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