What is relative humidity?

Relative humidity also measures water vapor in the air, but it is compared to the maximum amount of water vapor that can exist in the air at its current temperature. It is written as a percent.

For example, warm air can hold more water vapor, or moisture, than cold air. So, with the same amount of absolute humidity, cold air will have a higher relative humidity and warm air will have a lower relative humidity.

The relative humidity is 100% when the air is completely full of water vapor.

This digital graphic is labeled "Relative Humidity". The graphic says, "RH represents amount of water in air in percentage". The cartoon shows four cups, each with an increasing amount of water inside them. On the far left is an empty glass with no water, labeled "Relative Humidity 0%". Next is a glass that is half full, labeled "Relative Humidity 50%". Third is a glass that is ¾ full, labeled "Relative Humidity 75%". On the far right is a glass that is completely filled with water, labeled "Relative Humidity 100%".


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