CO2 transport infrastructure projects are within the scope of the Trans-European Networks for Energy. They can apply to become projects of common interest (PCIs) and subsequently apply for support under the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF). Every 2 years, the Commission adopts an EU list of PCIs and since 2023 also of projects of mutual interest (PMIs).
In November 2021, the Commission published the 5th PCI list from the Trans-European Networks for Energy Regulation (TEN-E Regulation). This list includes 6 CO2 trans-European infrastructure projects focusing on the development of CO2 hubs.
As announced in December 2023, in the last call for funding proposals open to projects from the 5th PCI list of November 2021, 5 CO2 networks projects were selected for funding under CEF.
In November 2023, the Commission adopted a new PCI list based on the revised TEN-E Regulation, which also includes PMIs between EU and non-EU countries. This list includes 14 CO2 network projects across Europe. The first PCI/PMI list is expected to be approved by the Council and the European Parliament at the end of April 2024.
The Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) published in February 2024 a study on the future CO2 transport network for Europe and related investment needs.
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